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Séminaire franco –israélien

Thérapies innovantes coûteuses : nos systèmes de santé sont-ils capables de les prendre en charge ?

Les thérapies innovantes (médicaments, dispositifs médicaux, procédures de soins) se présentent sur le marché à des sommes jamais atteintes. On parle de plus de 1 Million d’euros pour certaines thérapies géniques par exemple. Cette tendance ne touche pas uniquement le domaine du médicament, elle concerne également des dispositifs médicaux les prothèses voire des procédures chirurgicales. La capacité des systèmes de soins à prendre en charge ces nouvelles thérapies sans attendre lorsqu’elles répondent à de vraies attentes suppose de trouver des modèles de prise en charge transitoires dans l’attente de la baisse des coûts.

Ce séminaire a pour objectif de faire échanger les points de vue de responsables institutionnels et industriels des deux pays afin de faire émerger des pistes pour le futur.

Université de Tel Aviv

Dimanche 5 Novembre 2023

8:00 - 18:00

Porte 4 - Batiment Naftali - Faculté de Sciences Sociales 

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8:00 AM

Coffee cakes opening

8:30 AM

Opening Greetings

9:00 AM

Key note address

9:40 AM

Health economist's perspective

10:20 AM

Coffee Break

11 AM

From Research  to the patient

12 AM

From Research to the patient

Moderator: J.M Grognet

12:40 AM

Lunch Break

2:10 PM

The regulator's point of view

Moderator: N. Darvish

3:10 PM

The point of view of the industry and investors

Moderator: P. Tibi

4:10 PM

Coffee Break

4:40 PM

Law and ethics

Moderator: P. Curmi

5:20 PM

Final Remarks

6 PM

End of the Workshop

Dr. Muriel Haim,

president of  France-Israel Foundation

Dr Jean-Marc Grognet,

former reserch director CEA

“From small molecules to biologics: 30 years of a continuous increase in drug prices”

Prof. Philippe Tibi

Professor of finance,

Ecole polytechnique, Head of the Tech financing task force, French Ministry of Finance

“ Leveraging private financing to achieve public health innovative solutions objectives. Results and Takeaways from France “

Dr. Frederic Revah

CEO Genethon

 “Gene therapy, a revolution at what cost”

Dr. Muriel Dahan,

Director Research and Development Unicancer

“Advancing research to give patients better access to innovation”

Dr. Pierre Jean Lancry,

Former Deputy Director of Cnam, in charge of drugs and medical devices

“Are we innovative to finance innovation?”

Prof. Nicolas Levy,

Rare diseases director, Servier

Innovative therapies in small populations with high unmet medical: towards a sustainable model?

Sylvain Humbert


“Legal Perspective versus Ethical Approach”

Prof. Patrick Curmi

MD, PhD.

Research Director at INSERM,

Evry-Paris Saclay University

Dr. Itay Shurtz

Economist Ben Gurion University

"Healthcare Expenditures: Some Traditional Explanations in an Era of Innovations"

Prof. Avi Domb,

Chief Scientist Ministry for Innovation  Science and Technology (MOST)

“Biotech in Israel”

Dr. Itay Shurtz

Economist Ben Gurion University

"Healthcare Expenditures: Some Traditional Explanations in an Era of Innovations"

Prof. Avi Domb,

Chief Scientist MOST

« Non viral gene therapy »

Prof. Gabriel Malka

Dean Mohamed VI University Marocco

“Biotechnology and new therapies: an approach for emerging countries”

Prof. Ronen Loebstein  

Director, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology and Drug Management Division, Sheba Medical center

“Towards a data driven learning hospital – The Sheba Medical Center experience”

Prof. D. Ben Yehuda,

Dean Med. School, HUJI Head Oncology dept.

”The assessment and funding processes in rare diseases A rare disease should not receive a rare priority”

Nissim Darvish

Managing General Partner at Eliraz Ventures.

“Treatment in face of crisis”

Dr. Sarit Smila Sened

Bob Shapell School of Social Work Tel Aviv University

« Justice and Health Care"

Prof. Itai Sened

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University

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